A Blueprint for the Future: How Climate Kranti and GAME Are Shaping Eco-Conscious Business Practices 

India’s burgeoning economy is feeling the brunt of climate change, altering the very fabric of its vibrant and diverse sectors. Rising temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and extreme weather events disrupt agricultural production, infrastructure, and public health. With a vast coastline and a primarily agrarian economy, adopting sustainable business practices is not just necessary; it’s urgent. […]

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The Power of Collaboration: Banks, Vitta Sakhis, and the Women They Support

As we recently celebrated International Women’s Day, it’s essential to recognise the extraordinary advances made by women entrepreneurs in spurring economic growth and societal evolution. Central to this advancement is the synergy of collaboration and financial inclusion, which empowers women to surmount obstacles and realise their entrepreneurial dreams. On this occasion of celebration and empowerment, […]

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