Women’s Economic Empowerment
with the Platform Economy

India’s gig economy presents immense opportunities, with 15 million freelance professionals and a 24% share of the global online labor market. However, gendered divisions persist, limiting women to low-paying, unskilled sectors. To address this, the Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME), in collaboration with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has launched a pathbreaking project Women Economic Empowerment (WEE).

Focused Platforms:

Diverse Opportunities

Project WEE aims to empower women, particularly in the age group 18 years and above from low-income households in metros, semi-urban, and smaller cities by enhancing their livelihood opportunities and connecting them with diverse platforms and economic partners including digital jobs, job techs, rural e-commerce, gig economy, and social commerce.

Impact and Potential

With a target to reach women from low-income households, the program seeks to unlock their potential for active participation in the platform economy. GAME’s team of experts will develop a playbook, comprising strategies and models, to dismantle systemic barriers and empower women in the platform economy, showcasing the paramount importance of a comprehensive and actionable guide to drive meaningful change.

Goals and Vision

GAME’s ultimate goal is to empower women to start, scale, and sustain their entrepreneurial journey by 2030. To achieve this, GAME will identify policy solutions, co-create public goods, amplify messaging around women’s entrepreneurship, and build a robust ecosystem through strategic collaborations.

Our Approach

Access and Inclusion in Digital Platform Economy: Empowering Women in the Workforce

Discover how the digital platform economy can revolutionize women’s labor force participation ratio (LFPR) and bridge the gender gap. With India’s LFPR for women steadily declining, this project aims to unlock the potential of the gig economy by providing a playbook that empowers women to participate in the digital platform economy. By offering flexibility and reducing dependency on physical spaces, this initiative strives to increase women’s workforce participation and foster inclusive economic growth.

From Informality to Formal Work Recognition: Empowering Women through Platformization

Unleash the power of platform work to transform the informal employment landscape for women. With over 90% of working women engaged in the informal sector, this project aims to facilitate the shift from informal to formal wage sources by promoting platformization and ensuring flexibility. By embracing gig work, women can gain access to social security and formal recognition, paving the way for economic empowerment and social mobility.

Social and Economic Mobility: Empowering Women from Low-Income Households

Empowering women from low-income households is at the heart of this program. With a comprehensive understanding of this segment, backed by GAME’s expertise in mass entrepreneurship and strong partnerships across sectors, we aim to foster social and economic mobility. By streamlining definitions and measurements around women’s entrepreneurship, we are committed to equipping women with the tools they need to thrive, creating a more inclusive and prosperous society.

Private Sector as a Catalyst for Gender-Inclusive Policy Shaping

Recognizing the indispensable role of the private sector, GAME is paving the way for gender-inclusive policy shaping. Through close collaboration with startups and established players, we are identifying business opportunities that address the unique challenges faced by low-income women in the labor force. By engaging in deep conversations, we aim to harness the private sector’s potential to drive positive change, creating an environment where gender equality and economic empowerment flourish.

The project focuses on three key segments:

Business Growth

Segment 1

Urban and rural women entrepreneurs (from tier 2/3/4 cities) seeking business growth guidance.

Skill Development

Segment 2

Home-based women entrepreneurs requiring skill expansion and financial services


Segment 3

Job-seeking women creating more opportunities by encouraging women-led hiring

GAME will leverage its experience to identify archetypes within each pilot, developing effective strategies for the economic empowerment of women.

Join the Movement

Be a part of unlocking the economic potential of women and driving transformative change in the platform economy. Together, we can create a future where women thrive as entrepreneurs and leaders, and their contributions are celebrated and valued.

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